Moth Upgrades and Repairs

Max and Dan both own Mach 2 Moths and find themselves making upgrades and repairs fairly often. They were both surprised how little information was available online so they decided to start documenting their work. Mach 2 is a great company to work with and Simon Owen Smith responds quickly to any questions you might have. Tim Willetts at C-Tech is also another great resource and is quick to reply to any questions. Thanks to them both, as well as everyone else who has been so open with information in the Moth class.

Some of these pages are not yet populated. But if the thumbnail is here then we (or someone we know) has completed the repair. Use the contact page and give us a call (or send an email) to ask for help.

Foils and Tiller

Mach2 Main Vertical Helicoil Replacement

Mach2 Main Vertical Helicoil Replacement

Mach2 2.3 Main Vertical AOA Reduction

Mach2 2.3 Main Vertical AOA Reduction

Measuring Main Horizontal Angle Of Attack

Measuring Main Horizontal Angle Of Attack

Mach2 Upper Rudder Shear Cracking

Mach2 Upper Rudder Shear Cracking

Hull, Gantry, Dolly

Aft Wing Bar Sockets - Reinforcement Cap Failing

Aft Wing Bar Sockets - Reinforcement Cap Failing

Main Vertical Retainer Bracket Failure: PC Richard Didham

Main Vertical Retainer Bracket Failure: PC Richard Didham

Forward Wing Bar Socket Cracking

Forward Wing Bar Socket Cracking


Aft Wing Bar Socket Leak

Aft Wing Bar Socket Leak

Leak Test Tips

Leak Test Tips

Mast Socket Leak

Mast Socket Leak

Vang Tube Leak

Vang Tube Leak

Mast and Boom

Sailing Bits Gooseneck Install

Sailing Bits Gooseneck Install

C-Tech Mast Base Upgrade

C-Tech Mast Base Upgrade

Wing Frame

Wing Bladder Valve Replacement - PC

Wing Bladder Valve Replacement - PC

Outboard Wing Bar Crack PC: Jimmer Montgomery

Outboard Wing Bar Crack PC: Jimmer Montgomery

Wing Bar Socket Crushing

Wing Bar Socket Crushing


RIgging Tips and Tricks

RIgging Tips and Tricks